It is such a great feeling to have the WHERE DO THE MONDAYS GO? web site finally up and running. It has been an incredibly long journey to get my first children's book published, however, in reality I know my journey has really just begun.
I recently had my first author/story time at Barnes & Noble here in Houston, Texas. Prior to the event, I learned that authors don't typically have business cards. Authors have book marks which they use just like business cards. The book mark should have information printed on the back with a short summary on what your book is about, where your book is available for purchase, the ISBN numbers, and ideally, your own web site address with direct links to purchase your book. I had neither. I knew I had to start working on both immediately! I found a great site,, where I could design my own book mark. You have to create an account, but once you do, you can save your design(s) to their site and update/edit them later if needed. I uploaded the picture I wanted on the front of my book mark and then inserted text for the title of the book and the author/illustrator information. I wanted my Super-Duper MONDAY cartoon character on the back of the book mark so I uploaded his picture and listed the pertinent information underneath. For example - what the book was about (AN EDUCATIONAL STORY BOOK ON THE DAYS OF THE WEEK), where the type of book (E-BOOK/PRINTED BOOK) could be found (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, itunes iBOOKSTORE) along with the respective ISBN number. Since this was the first time I had visited iprint, I did check out their reviews from other customers before deciding to use them. I also placed a smaller order of 250 book marks. I wanted to make sure even with the reviews, that I would be happy with the quality of the paper/printing - which of course I would not know about for sure until I received my first order. I am very happy to say that I have used iPrint several times now for my book marks and I just ordered 500 of them with my with my new web site address now on them! - It was a challenge to say the least, however, I have completed my web site and my book marks....give me five...give me give me fifteen!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... :) Note: If you have any comments regarding how to prepare for a successful author/story time event and other tips to share with first time authors/writers, we would love to hear from you. Have a great 4th of JULY holiday! Sincerely, Patricia Sloan
7/4/2011 01:07:57 am
Looks great! Congratulations!! I can't wait to get it in the hands of my five-year old. I know she's kinda young, but she's a bright one. :) Looking forward to discovering together!
sophie k
7/4/2011 11:35:50 am
I love your new book!!!!:) Wednesday was definetly my MOST FAVORITE!!! i also really liked Thursday. You really had a GREAT IDEA! And the book turned out perfectly! you and Mr.Daniel did a fantastic job! And i'm ten!
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Patricia Sloan
Author of a new educational book for children titled WHERE DO THE MONDAYS GO? with quirky cartoon super heroes for each day of the week. Every day is a Super-Duper Day and has the day name spelled out in the body of the character which is blended/hidden in the artwork. This is a fun find for children as they explore the characters looking for the letters. The ending answers the title/question when SUNDAY tags a MONDAY to start a new week in their secret hiding place. WHERE DO THE MONDAYS GO? Do you know? _COPYRIGHT NOTICE
WHERE DO THE MONDAYS GO? by Patricia Sloan AKA Trish Sloan WHERE DO THE MONDAYS GO? Patricia Ann Sloan REGISTERED COPYRIGHT - TEXT AND SOME ARTWORK - 2011-07-17 Registration Number TX 7-448-829 Date of 1st Publication: February 4, 2011 Nation of 1st Publication: United States International Standard Number: ISBN 978--60-746807-3 All rights reserved WHERE DO THE MONDAYS GO? ILLUSTRATIONS by Patricia Sloan Greenwich Super-Duper Days COPYRIGHT 2011 All rights reserved WHERE DO THE MONDAYS GO? ILLUSTRATIONS by Daniel Alexander COPYRIGHT 2011 All rights reserved Archives
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